Our sectors
Our clients range from wealthy individuals to family firms, from large managed estates to agricultural businesses. What they have in common is a sense of the importance of tradition, and an appreciation of quality.
The construction industry has always been one of the most volatile sectors in the UK economy. Long term survival in this sector requires careful planning and the support and help of a trusted, experienced advisor.
Leisure trade, hotels and leisure
The day to day pressures of running a business in this sector require an enormous amount of an owner’s time.
Not for profit sector
Given our local roots and the fact we have been in business for over 50 years, we have strong links in the local community.
In recent years many people have preferred to invest in property rather than many other traditional investments such as pensions, cash or quoted shares.
The retail sector has always been one of the most competitive business environments to operate in.
As fellow professionals, we know only too well that it is not enough to just get on with the technical job of providing advice to your clients.
Tax investigations
The thought of a tax investigation into their personal or business affairs fills most people with dread. Therefore a key part of our role is to reassure our clients and remove the stress from the process.
Trust accounts and trust tax compliance
The use of trusts continues to be popular as a tax planning tool and as a way of protecting family wealth by giving income to individuals but not allowing them access to the underlying capital.